Natural Monument of Sugar Loaf and Urca Mountains
Visitors arriving in the city of Rio de Janeiro are welcomed by a natural monument made up of the Sugarloaf and Urca hills that, with their five hundred million year geological history, guard the entrance to Guanabara Bay. Besides the extraordinary beauty of this geological site, the whole is surrounded by the Atlantic Forest, with its grandiose biodiversity, offering visitors the dazzle of its flora and fauna, considered among the richest on the planet. In order for future generations to continue enjoying these beauties, the area was made official by the Rio de Janeiro City Hall, in 2006, as a Conservation Unit named Natural Monument (MoNa) of Sugar Loaf and Urca Mountains.
Bondinho Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf Mountain Bond)
The Bondinho Pão de Açúcar® touristic park offers breathtaking experiences and stunning landscapes. Enjoy the gastronomic options, explore nature, and check out the programming of shows and cultural events that mark our history. And, of course, don’t forget to contemplate the main beaches of Rio de Janeiro’s south zone, the outline of the mountains, other tourist attractions, and the beauty of the city’s architecture from above.
Pasteur Avenue, 520 – Urca, Phone (21) 2546-8433
Schedule: Every day, from 6am to 6pm / Bondinho from 8am to 9pm
Tijuca National Park
The Natural Monument Arquipélago das Ilhas Cagarras is a federal conservation unit created in 2010, managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation and whose main objectives are to preserve remnants of the island ecosystem of the Atlantic Forest domain, scenic beauty and refuge and nesting areas for seabirds.
The unit is located in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), about 5 km from Ipanema beach, and is composed of four islands (Palmas, Comprida, Cagarra, and Redonda) and two islets (Filhote da Cagarra and Filhote da Redonda), as well as a 10-meter marine area around each island, totaling an area of 91.23 hectares.
In April 2021 the Mona Cagarras and its surroundings were recognized as a Hope Spot by Mission Blue, an institution led by oceanographer Sylvia Earle. Hope Spots are areas considered critical to the health and conservation of the oceans because they have environmental, historical, cultural and economic values, with the potential to reverse negative human impacts.
More information about the unit AQUI.
Tijuca National Park
Located in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, with access from the North, South and West Zones, the Tijuca National Park (Parna Tijuca or PNT) protects the largest urban forest in the world replanted by man, with an extension of 3.953ha of Atlantic Forest. It is the most visited National Park in Brazil, receiving more than three million visitors per year, among Brazilians and foreigners of all ages.
Estrada da Cascatinha, 850, Alto da Boa Vista,
Tel. (21) 2491-1700
Schedule: Everyday, from 8am to 5pm / Daylight saving time until 6pm
Pedra Branca State Park
Pedra Branca State Park is an environmental conservation unit located in the western part of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil.
It is considered the largest urban forest in the world, with an area of 12,500 hectares. The Pico da Pedra Branca, with an altitude of 1,025 meters, is the highest point of the City and is located inside the park.
Pau da Fome Nucleus: Estr. Pau da Fome, 4,003 – Taquara, Tel. (21) 3347-1786 / 2333-6608
Camorim Nucleus: Estrada do Camorim, 2.118 – Camorim, Tel. (21) 2333-4500
Piraquara Center: Rua do Governo, 1.582 – Realengo, Tel. (21) 2333-5251
Vargem Grande Outpost: End of Estrada do Mucuíba – Vargem Grande
Rio da Prata Outpost: Estrada da Batalha, near number 202 – Campo Grande
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, from 8am to 5pm
Grumari Municipal Natural Park
Created by Municipal Decree 20.149/2001, the Grumari Municipal Natural Park is known for its beautiful and famous Wild Beaches (Grumari, Abricó, Perigoso, Funda, Meio, Inferno, and Conchas), some of them accessible only by trails or by the sea. It is home to the largest area of restinga in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Most of the trails are considered to be trails and reveal stunning viewpoints.
Avenida Estado da Guanabara s/n, Grumari
Tel. (21) 2410-1382
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, from 8am to 5pm / Daylight savings time until 6pm
Catacumba Municipal Natural Park
Catacumba Park is in an area that was reforested in the 1970s. With almost 27 hectares, the park has a great diversity of trees, plants and flowers. In the lower part, several sculptures can be admired outdoors. Paved paths and small squares with stone floors make the place perfect for walks and picnics. In the upper part, on the other hand, denser woods take over the place.
Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 3.000 – Lagoa,
Tel. (21) 2247-9949
Opening hours:
Park: Tuesday to Sunday, 8am to 5pm, summer time until 6pm
Trails and adventure equipment: Tuesday to Sunday, 8am to 4pm, summer time until 5pm
Municipal Natural Park José Guilherme Merquior
José Guilherme Merquior Municipal Natural Park
Created: Municipal Decree 19143/00
The Municipal Natural Park José Guilherme Merquior has 8.29 hectares and is located in the neighborhoods of Copacabana and Lagoa. The Park was created by the same Decree as the Fonte da Saudade Municipal Park.
Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 3.000 – Lagoa,
Tel. (21) 2247-9949
Fonte da Saudade Municipal Natural Park
Created: Municipal Decree 19.143 of 13/11/2000
The Fonte da Saudade Municipal Natural Park has 2.22 hectares and the local ecosystem is of anthropomorphized Atlantic Forest.
The park was created in 2000 with the objective of recovering and conserving the Atlantic forest ecosystem, developing recreation, leisure and ecotourism, promoting environmental education programs, preserving the landscape integrity, among others.
Address: Rua Vitória Régia s/n – Lagoa
Carioca Landscape Municipal Natural Park
The Paisagem Carioca Municipal Natural Park is inserted in the urban network of the City, located between the neighborhoods of Leme, Copacabana, Botafogo and Urca. This Conservation Unit stands out for the importance of its scenic beauties that make up the City landscape, for the presence of areas with infrastructure for public use (Chacrinha Sector) and for its network of trails, which allows the enjoyment of its stunning scenery.
Rua Guimarães Natal, s/n – Copacabana (next to Light’s substation)
Tel. (21) 2542-3247
Schedule: Everyday, from 8am to 5pm / Daylight saving time until 6pm